Genmu 5-missile warhead weight 9 tons Mach 10 hypersonic kinetic energy thermodynamics law energy conservation law proportional to the square of kinetic energy velocity instantaneous rock atomic structure tremendous stress and even evaporation

When it is transmitted to the bedrock at the moment of impact, it puts tremendous stress on the atomic structure of the bedrock, which melts the bedrock, and even evaporates into a plasmid shape…!The property of evaporating instantly instead of plasma…how can a warhead with 9 tons of warheads break through the strongest granite-like bedrock when it collides at Mach 10 at a height of 1,000 km above Earth? When colliding at Mach 10, does hard granite instantly loosen its atomic structure and dissolve or liquefy? GAS IONIZATION EVAPORATION… Or do we need more speed and pressure? It is said that asteroid collisions have this effect, but what principle is applied to the physically created bunker first to penetrate deep into the ground as well as to destroy the bedrock? If we explain kinetic energy and speed in an easy-to-understand way, what principles are hidden? Does the heat energy increase proportionally in addition to kinetic energy? Is it possible to melt the bedrock and melt it like lava? What are these scientific principles? How much kinetic energy does it take for a depleted uranium bomb to enter the front of a tank surrounded by powerful composite gloves and drill a hole?Collision energy… I will explain the phenomenon that occurs when a 9-ton warhead moving at Mach 10 collides with a granite-like bedrock. Mach 10 means a speed of approximately 12,240 km/h**. In these ultrasonic sounds, the kinetic energy is very large, which can break through the bedrock by generating enormous heat and pressure in the event of a collision.Does the fact that bedrock can evaporate due to a violent collision mean that it turns into plasma?Yes, that’s right. The evaporation of the bedrock when it collides at an intense rate means that the thermal energy generated by the collision can change the rock into a plasma state. Plasma is a state in which atoms and molecules are ionized by high temperatures and electrons and cations are freely present.¹. In this state, the material is electrically neutral, but the high temperature causes the electrons of the atom to fall, resulting in a mixture of the remaining cations and free electrons.This process can occur in extreme conditions such as meteorite collisions or nuclear explosions, and the heat and pressure generated at this time can generate very high temperatures at the point of impact and convert rocks into plasma states. This is an example of a state change in physics, including the transition from solid to liquid and beyond gas to plasma. Changes in these states depend on the amount and shape of energy a substance receives.Source: Conversation with Bing, March 18, 2024(1) About Plasma: Naver Blog. plasma, plasma plasma is used in a plurality of semiconductor processes. 1) 1) 1) Plasma etch 2) Dielectric Depo – PE… Cancer Blasting, Cancer Determination, Shortening Blasting Period, Blasting Vibration, Noise Management, Cancer Quality… BLASTING/DARK JUDGMENT/DARK BLASTING PERIOD SHORTENING, BLASTING VIBRATION/NOISE MANAGEMENT, AND DARK QUALITY. Basic data for shortening the duration of dark blasting, dark judgment, and blasting ◦ effect of blasting : Cracks in security properties, malfunction of precision equipment, foundation ground extension… Interim Instructions Manual for Design and Test Blasting: Naver Blog. for Interim Instructions for Designing and Testing Blasting: Manual for Interim Instructions for Designing and Testing Blasting Contents I Purpose of Establishment and Criteria for Application II dark blast design III Test blasting…blog.naver.comDoes that mean that hard structures of underground reinforced concrete and granite become meaningless? The reason why North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is criticizing South Korea’s current-5 ballistic missile for showing signs of seizure is because he knows these physical principles well and is afraid of monster missiles? Why can’t China and neighboring countries underestimate Korea’s failure to possess nuclear weapons because they were surprised by the performance and destructive power of South Korea’s monster missiles? Is it fair to say that the U.S. applauded South Korea’s blood alliance, that countries like Israel promoted friendly cooperation with South Korea, and that Goslan sent the Soviet-made T60 tanks to South Korea in return for exporting Sherman tanks to win the Fourth Middle East War? Since kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity, the higher the velocity, the more exponentially the kinetic energy increases. When this kinetic energy is transferred to the bedrock at the moment of impact, it puts tremendous stress on the atomic structure of the bedrock, which can melt or even evaporate the bedrock. The heat generated in this process means that kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy, which is caused by the interaction between the object and the object being collided ⁷⁸⁹.Weapons such as bunker first are designed using these principles. These have the ability not only to destroy the bedrock, but also to dive deep underground. This works in a way that uses high speed and kinetic energy to penetrate the object and cause additional destruction internally.Deteriorated uranium ammunition is used to penetrate powerful composite gloves due to its high density and magnetic forging effect. The ammunition uses kinetic energy to break through the tank’s armor, and the heat generated by the moment the warhead touches the armor melts uranium and penetrates the tank’s interior. The heat generated during this process indicates that the kinetic energy of the ammunition is converted into thermal energy [^10^]¹³. The heat and pressure generated in this process are so strong that they can melt the bedrock or make it look like lava, which is a common phenomenon observed when a fast moving object collides with another object. These scientific principles relate to the fundamental laws of physics, especially the laws of conservation of energy. The conversion of kinetic energy into thermal energy is based on the principle that energy itself is preserved only by changing its shape. Therefore, when an object with high kinetic energy collides, its energy is converted into another form, which can produce a powerful effect.SOURCE: Dialogue with Bing, March 18, 2024, (1) Mach 10 fighter jet from the movie Top Gun: Marvelick? 실제로 존재하는가 …. 10 fighter plane from the movie “Top Gun: Marvelick”? Does it actually exist? How fast is Mach 10??Hello, I’m an old man. I watched the recently released movie “Top Gun: Marvelick” starring Tom Cruise… 0 – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. Thermal definition and thermal energy. of heat and thermal energy 1. What is heat? In physics, heat is contrasted with work as one of the ways in which energy is transferred. In other words, there are two ways in which energy is transferred from one system to another, work and heat, of which the transfer of energy unrelated to external variables is called heat. People who have studied physics often think of heat as a form of energy, which is a representative misconceptions. Heat is not energy, but a form of energy transfer. In general, energy is transferred between two systems in the form of work or heat, but when a system receives heat, it receives internal energy… In physics, heat (heat), energy transfer form, heat and heat energy, internal physics, heat (heat), energy transfer form, heat and heat energy, internal energy = heat energy, heat transfer method, heat conduction, tropical flow, heat radiation physics, heat (heat) is one of the ways in which energy is transferred and compared to work. In other words, there are two ways in which energy is transferred from one system to another, work and heat, of which the transfer of energy unrelated to external variables is called heat. People who have studied physics often think of heat as a form of energy, which is a representative misconceptions. Heat is not energy, but a form of energy transfer. In general, energy is transferred between two systems in the form of work or heat, but when a system receives heat so that its kinetic energy increases when it receives a job… What are depleted uranium bombs and how dangerous are they? | “Bobedream Military/Weapons” are depleted uranium bombs and how dangerous are they? | What is Bobedream’s military/weapon depleted uranium bomb and how dangerous is it?원문보기: What is the “degraded uranium bomb” that cannot escape the discussion of radiation exposure? may have heard the word “degraded uranium bomb” that cannot escape the discussion of radiation exposure, and the truth about the dangers and constant controversy over the word “degraded uranium bomb.” It is a type of shell used mainly by NATO members such as the United States, Britain, and France. As the name suggests, it is also a controversial material because it uses uranium, a radioactive material. Uranium can be used as a raw material for nuclear power plants or for atomic bombs. It is widely known as a metal that emits radiation and is harmful to the human body. By the way, if it’s a uranium bomb, why is it depleted uranium? Ganson Uranium in technical terms, Deleted Uranium (DU) in English… Hypersonic possibility of North Korea’s “Speed Mach 10” ballistic missile…range 700… Korea’s ballistic missile “Speed Mach 10” may have supersonic speed… North Korea, which has a range of more than 700 kilometers, fired another projectile estimated to be a ballistic missile in six days. The speed of the projectile was found to be around Mach 10, which falls under the category of hypersonic missiles. The lightness of hypersonic missiles… Hypersonic possibility of North Korea’s “Speed Mach 10” ballistic missile: Progress from 6 days ago possibility of supersonic speed of North Korea’s ballistic missile “Speed Mach 10” has progressed from 6 days ago (comprehensive) | Yonhap News reporter Jeong Bin-na = The estimated speed of the ballistic missile launched by North Korea on the morning of the 11th is around Mach 10. Location energy, kinetic energy formula relationship, transformation example, feature utilization case…’s look at the relationship between positional energy, kinetic energy, formal relationships, transformation examples, feature utilization examples, and today’s relationship between motion and energy. Many people use up energy when exercising… Physics 1) 1. Energy and heat – conservation of mechanical energy (work and energy, movement …)… 1) 1. Energy and heat-mechanical energy conservation (work and energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, mechanical energy conservation law, conservation power, non-preservation power, external force) is the ability to work and energy. There are kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, etc. 운동 … 10 – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. relationship between kinetic and thermal energy – BingBing’s intelligent search capabilities quickly search for and reward information that users The Truth of Degraded Uranium Bullets | Science and Culture Portal Science All. What is the “degraded uranium bomb” that cannot escape the discussion of radiation exposure? uranium ammunition kinetic energy – BingBing provides intelligent search capabilities to quickly find and reward the information you Undefined. is a depleted uranium bomb?Also, how dangerous are they?The British government has promised that London will give Ukraine radioactive depleted uranium bullets to Challenger 2, Britain’s flagship combat tank, which it has promised Kiev. regime.sputniknews.comDoes that mean that hard structures of underground reinforced concrete and granite become meaningless? Is the reason why North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is criticizing South Korea’s current five-ballistic missile for showing signs of seizure because he knows these physical principles so well that he is afraid of monster missiles? Is this why China and neighboring countries are surprised by the performance and destructive power of South Korea’s monster missiles and do not have nuclear weapons, but cannot underestimate South Korea? The U.S. is applauding Korea’s blood alliance, promoting friendship and cooperation with Israel, and sending captured Soviet T60 tanks to Korea in return for exporting Sherman tanks to win the Fourth Middle East War?The Grand Slam bomb developed by Britain during World War II was a very powerful earthquake bomb that destroyed German bridges just by falling freely. The bomb was particularly effective in landing on vulnerable ground, penetrating deep, exploding, and destroying underground structures.¹2.In modern times, weapons have been developed that can use thermodynamic principles to destroy underground facilities. In thermodynamics, heat and motion are converted to each other, and this principle can be used to develop shells with high kinetic energy and destroy underground targets ¹³.South Korea has developed a series of missiles called “Genmu,” especially the “Genmu-5” missiles, which are drawing attention for their performance and destructive power. ⁷⁸⁹, the missile is said to have the ability to attack tunnels and bunkers more than 100 meters underground and can be as powerful as tactical nuclear weapons if multiple missiles are fired at the same time. This ability can be seen as one of the reasons why Korea is respected by neighboring countries even if it does not possess nuclear weapons. This is an example of how much South Korea’s defense technology has developed.SOURCE: Conversation with Bing, March 18, 2024, (1) Grand Slam (bomb). Grand Slam (Bomb) bomb, medium capacity, 22,000 pounds (Grand Slam) is a 22,000-pound (10 tons) earthquake bomb used by RAF bomber command for German targets at the end of World War II. The bomb was originally called Tallboy Large until the term “Tallboy” appeared in the media and the code name was replaced by “Grand Slam”. The bomb was similar to the larger version of the Tallboy bomb, but closer to the size that Barnes Wallis, the new design and inventor, imagined when developing the idea for an earthquake Thermodynamics – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us, thermodynamics, 123 languages, documents, debates, reads, edits, historical indicators Wikipedia and the encyclopedia of all of us. Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with energy, heat, work, entropy and process spontaneity. It is closely related to statistical mechanics and can derive numerous thermodynamic relational expressions from it. When dealing with thermodynamic processes between various physical systems that exchange materials or energy with each other, classical thermodynamics is not interested in the time when the process is completed or how quickly it occurs. Equilibrium thermodynamics instead of the term “thermodynamics”… [Scientific history from top to bottom] “Law of Thermodynamics” is the heat of movement and the heat of movement…[Science history from top to bottom] Technology that converts heat into heat and heat into kinetic energy, as well as technology that uses kinetic energy and chemical energy to transfer heat is cold… “Power comparable to nuclear weapons during simultaneous launches”…”Genmu-5 missile” destructive power/YTN… [Solo] The monster missile is Genmu-5… 지하 100m 김정은 벙커, 한 방에 ….[Solo] The monster missile is Genmu-5… Kim Jong Un bunker 100 meters underground, Kim Jong Un bunker 100 meters underground, Hyunmu-5’s Kim Jong Un bunker 100 meters underground, 9 tons of warhead, world’s largest military day, flying up to 3,000 kilometers [South Korean military’s new weapon 1] Monster missiles, Genmu, and Kim Jong Un bunker 100 meters underground were also destroyed. Destructive Power of Korea’s Monster Missile – BingBing’s intelligent search function quickly searches for information that users want and provides Thermodynamics Basic Concept Summary (1): Naver Blog. the basic concepts of thermodynamics (1) In the past, scientists have attempted to convert the concept of heat into power. Power is the force and motion of an object… Concerned about improving missile performance (Source: MBC) Real-time hot issues are “Follow” #Realtime #Hot Issue #News #Issue #Korea #North Korea #US #Ukraine#Russia#War#Missile#Korean Peninsula#Civil War#Tank#Provocation#Yeonpyeong Island. @issue.hero/video/7320934846354738450I like TikTok Lee Youngwoon There are 633 comments and 112 comments. “The real-time hot issue of MBC is ‘Follow’ “(9) “””Monster Missile”” Genmu Released for the First Time in 10 Years/YTN. “”Monster Missile” Genmu’s first real-life release: The first march in 10 years/YTN-Video Dailymotion, and the first march on Armed Forces Day in 10 years, the real-life release of Genmu called “Monster Missile” was unveiled for the first time. Elsem (L-SAM), a long-range surface-to-air guided missile under development to intercept North Korea’s ballistic missiles, has also appeared. Reporter Lim Sungjae reports. [Reporter] A march in downtown Seoul ahead of Armed Forces Day. The most eye-catching thing was a five-axis 10-wheel mobile launcher loaded with launchers. It is the first high-powered Genmu missile to be unveiled. Among the South Korean triaxial system, mass retaliation and KMPR’s core means are used to destroy underground bunkers hidden by the North Korean command in case of emergency… “Power comparable to nuclear weapons at the time of simultaneous launch”…”Genmu 5 missiles” destructive power/YTN. “Power comparable to nuclear weapons at the time of simultaneous launch”…”Genmu 5 missiles” destructive power/YTN. [New weapons of the Korean military (1)] Genmu, a monster missile, also destroyed Kim Jong Un’s bunker 100 meters underground. Ok Seung-wook of the 100m underground Kim Jong-un bunker =The 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Army and the march on the streets of the city, drawing keen attention to the missile’s specifications and capabilities. According to the military authorities, Genmu missiles are the main means of mass retaliation (KMPR) to preemptively strike North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats. The entire area of North Korea has been hit with very high Power comparable to North Korea’s nuclear weapons…South Korea’s “monster missile” has been unveiled [Video: ]A South Korean-style “monster missile” has been unveiled. Yoon Suk YeolThe government’s first Armed Forces Day celebration was held in Gyeryongdae, South Chungcheong Province, on the 1st, and the “monstrous missile” that is as powerful as North Korea’s nuclear weapons… Earthquake bombs – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. Bombs – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us, Earthquake Bombs, 7 Languages, Documents, Debate, Read, Edit, Show History Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. The earthquake bomb (earthquake bomb, seismic bomb) is a bomb concept developed by British aeronautical engineer Burns Wallace in the early days of World War II (WWII/WW2) and was used against strategic targets in Europe at the end of World War II. The earthquake bomb is a problematic awareness that previous air transport bombs explode on the surface and almost all of their explosive energy is absorbed into the air by dropping large, heavy bombs from high altitudes and gaining tremendous kinetic energy… Large bomb – 5.4 tons “Tall Boy” … 10톤 ‘그랜드 슬램 ….[Advisory] Large bomb – 5.4 tons “Tall Boy” – 10 tons “Grand Slam” monsters were powerful [War History] Large bomb – 5.4 tons “Tall Boy” – 10 tons “Tall Slam” monsters were powerful British Air Force Large… Undefined.지진폭탄&oldid=33632187ですEarthquake Bombs – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us, Earthquake Bombs, 7 Languages, Documents, Debate, Read, Edit, Show History Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. The earthquake bomb (earthquake bomb, seismic bomb) is a bomb concept developed by British aeronautical engineer Burns Wallace in the early days of World War II (WWII/WW2) and was used against strategic targets in Europe at the end of World War II. The earthquake bomb is a problematic awareness that previous air transport bombs explode on the surface and almost all of their explosive energy is absorbed into the air by dropping large, heavy bombs from high altitudes and gaining tremendous kinetic energy… ko.wikipedia.orgModern underground reinforced concrete and granite structures are still very hard and solid. However, modern weapons technology, especially ballistic missile technology, has enough energy to destroy these structures. It utilizes the principles of physics, especially thermodynamics and kinetic energy.¹⁷²²²³.High-powered weapons such as South Korea’s Gen-5 ballistic missile are drawing attention for their power, which can affect not only North Korea but also other countries. The presence of these weapons affects the military balance, indicating that countries without nuclear weapons can also defend themselves with strong traditional weapons.¹⁶ There may be many reasons why countries like the United States and Israel should strengthen friendly and cooperative relations with South Korea. This may be due to the interconnected political, economic and military interests. In particular, Israel and South Korea have maintained continuous cooperation since the past, and the two countries have cooperated in various fields such as technological innovation, science, and education.¹²³⁴⁵. No specific historical background has been confirmed. These tanks have contributed to the development of South Korea’s defense industry and are internationally recognized ⁶⁷⁸. Source: Dialogue with Bing, March 18, 2024, (1) Study on the Prediction of Brittle Destruction in Mesozoic Granite Rocks in Daejeon – 2.9. Naver Blog. The text of the Mechanisms of Heat Transfer textbook may be omitted from the Topic of Special Interest, but heat transfer is a subject… Kinetic energy: translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy – ilovemyage. energy: translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy-ilovemyage kinetic energy is the energy that a mass object has when moving. The kinetic energy can be divided into translational kinetic energy due to movement of the mass center and rotational kinetic energy due to rotation, but the sum of the two becomes the total kinetic [Solo] 8 tons warhead weight “monster missile” Genmu-5, actual explosive power exceeds 11 tons…[Solo] 8 tons of warhead weight “monster missile” Hyunmu-5, actual explosive power is more than 11 tons: politics-news: Pyongyang command scorched “large retaliation” core explosive power to 14 tons, or the South Korean military’s high-powered ballistic missile “Hyunmu-5” will exceed 11 tons from next year. Genmu-5 is one of the world’s largest warheads: Government seeks “triangle cooperation” with Israel and UAE amid upheaval in Middle East situation | Yonhap News Agency seeks “triangle cooperation” with Israel and UAE amid upheaval | Yonhap News reporter Kim Hyo-jung = South Korea’s U… amid diplomatic changes in the Middle East due to normalization of relations between Israel and Arab countries(6) 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Israel…정상 간 서한 교환 – SBS NEWS. 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Israel… Moon Jae In The president today exchanged congratulatory letters with Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Israel. In a written briefing today, Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Park Kyung-mi said, “Israel is one of the first Middle Eastern countries to sign a free trade agreement with Korea in May 2021.” Korea-Israeli relations – The key to the heat. and cooperation between South Korea and Israel – BingBing’s intelligent search function quickly searches for information that users want and provides Israel’s internal and external situation and cooperation with South Korea – Quarterly diplomacy – South Korea’s internal and external situation and cooperation with us | DBpia Kim Jin Han | quarterly diplomacy | | (9) (9) 대한민국-이스라엘 관계 – Wikiwand. of Korea-Israeli relationship The relationship between Republic of Korea and Israel (Hebrew: יחסי) ישראל–קוריאה הדרומית) was established by the South Korean government in 1948 and officially established diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1962. The diplomatic relationship between the two countries has been suspended since the withdrawal of embassies in the Middle East in 1978 and the reopening of embassies in 1992, but since the re-opening of the embassies, Korea and Israel have shown great interest and Sherman tanks of the Korean War Variation 1-Doser tank 3 types: Neighbors … Sherman Tank Variation 1 of the Korean War – 3 types of Dozer tanks piled up to confirm that a wide variety of Sherman tanks appeared during the Korean War… Nine tanks of South Korea. M4E8.Sherman Easy Eight. : : : 네이버 블로그. South Korean tanks. M4E8.Sherman Easy Eight.In response to North Korea’s tank power, the U.S. said it had brought Sherman, a surplus tank from World War II… M4 Sherman – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. Sherman – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us M4 Sherman 50 Language Documents discussion reading editorial history Viewing Tools Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. The M4 Sherman was produced by the United States to destroy machine gun positions and support infantry, and is one of the most commonly used tanks by the United States and other Western European Union during World War II. M4 shamans were also available in large quantities and were relatively inexpensive and stable. Thousands of tanks were provided to the Soviet Union and the British Commonwealth under the Arms Lending Act. The tank was named after William Tekamsse Sherman, a hero of the American Civil War. M4 Sherman… Nuclear-weapon-class missiles have already been developed…South Korea overtakes North Korea, which has been freed from its shackles… of nuclear-weapon-class missiles…Beyond South Korea and North Korea, where the shackles have been lifted, the opportunity has come to reverse the JoongAng of Korea-U.S. Missile Guidelines… What is the direction of “Korean Missile Development”? – BBC News… Korea-U.S. Missile Guidelines Ended… What is the direction of “Korean missile development”? – As the Korea-U.S. missile guidelines, which have been in place for the past 42 years, are completely over, attention is being paid to Korea’s future direction of missile lifting of the Korea-U.S. missile guidelines… “Missile sovereignty” vs “anti-addiction cup” – BBC. Korea-U.S. missile guidelines lifted… Some in “missile sovereignty” vs “anti-addiction cup” – BBC News Korea have criticized that lifting the missile guidelines has eventually fallen into the U.S. strategic trap. This means that the Korean government should not “package” itself with such The destructive power of Genmu-4 missiles and the quantity of South Korean missiles. 4 missile destructive power and number of Korean missiles, Korea bunker-buster missile Genmu 4 missile and Genmu missile series range, and performance (Korean missile capability Genmu 4 missile destructive power and number of Korean missiles). Last year, the Ministry of National Defense officially announced the destructive power of the Genmu-4 missile, which was successfully test-launched. The Ministry of National Defense has officially announced the destructive power of the Genmu-4 missile, which was successfully test-launched last year, scorched more than 200 soccer fields with one Genmu-4 missile. The area of more than 200 soccer fields was scorched by one Genmu 4 missile, and North Korea’s super-large buildings such as Pyongyang’s Geumsusan Sun Palace and Yugyeong Hotel were completely destroyed… North Korea strongly condemns South Korea’s missile success – BBC News Korea.″BBC News Korea” North Korea justifies its military strength and nuclear development and blames neighboring countries’ policy of suppressing North Korea.’ Is Genmu-5 really as powerful as tactical nuclear weapons… the Genmu-5 really powerful at the level of tactical nuclear weapons? Below is a post about the “high-powered Genmu ballistic missile” that appeared in the video during the Armed Forces Day event on October Genmu-5 – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us Genmu-5 Documents discussion reading editorial history View Tool Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us. The Genmu-5 is a South Korean surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The bunker-buster is classified as SRBM as a high-powered ballistic missile for its mission, but it can be classified as IRBM or MRBM considering its specifications and security conditions with neighboring countries. The final development and testing were completed in 2023, and it was posted on the TEL and released in containers at the Armed Forces Day ceremony in the same year and the city march held in 10 years. South Korea-U.S. missile range guidelines have been lifted, and IRBM or higher development has been completed in two years… Granite – Wooden wiki. granite.(21) 126-1-3 Soft and brittle destruction of concrete structures: Naver Blog. Ductile and brittle destruction of concrete structures 126-1-3 Ductile and brittle destruction of concrete structures 1. Overview 1)For reinforced concrete structures, concrete exerts compressive force…감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.The purpose of this study is to understand the geochemical characteristics and fluorine-induced reactions of groundwater in granite areas and to understand the geochemical and fluorine-induced reactions of groundwater in northwestern Gyeongsangnam-do. To this end, the water quality of groundwater and the tendency to hatch between the main components of granite, the parent rock, are examined, and in the altered rock… A grand slam (bomb). Grand Slam (Bomb) bomb, medium capacity, 22,000 pounds (Grand Slam) is a 22,000-pound (10 tons) earthquake bomb used by RAF bomber command for German targets at the end of World War II. The bomb was originally called Tallboy Large until the term “Tallboy” appeared in the media and the code name was replaced by “Grand Slam”. The bomb was similar to the larger version of the Tallboy bomb, but closer to the size that Barnes Wallis, the new design and inventor, imagined when developing the idea for an earthquake Undefined. of brittle destruction in Mesozoic granite in Daejeon – Journal of Engineering Geology | Korean Science DOI QR Code Prediction of brittle destruction in Mesozoic granite in Daejeon 대전지역 중생대 화강암 암반 내 취성파괴 측연구측연J Jang, Hyun-Sic (Geophysics Department at Kangwon National University); Choi, Mi-Mi (Geophysics Department at Kangwon National University)… Undefined. http://creativecommons(26) is undefined.”North Korea bunker neutralization” monster missile, “North Korea bunker neutralization monster missile,” which was unveiled for the first time at the Armed Forces Day event, will be unveiled for the first time at the World’s Largest Warhead Weight Genmu Missile Screen Undefined. South Korean military unveiled strategic weapons that can counter North Korea’s nuclear weapons on Armed Forces Day while North Korea launched four ballistic missiles in a week. It is a counterattack against North Korea’s missile provocations and shows off its deterrence against North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. On the occasion of the 74th National Army Day, the military released a video explaining the advanced weapon system at a ceremony held in Gyeryongdae, South Chungcheong Province. of the so-called “Korean-style triaxial system”(28) Undefined. Kim Ji-heon of Yonhap News Agency (Seoul = Yonhap News Agency) = The military released a video of a “monster missile,” a strategic weapon against North Korea’s nuclear weapons, on Armed Forces Day. The drum that happened in the morning of this day… specific figures on the destructive power of an artificial earthquake due to kinetic energy are available in the information provided. In general, however, if the kinetic energy is large enough, it can be a force that deforms or destroys perception. This can have effects similar to earthquakes and other natural disasters, and in theory it can have powerful effects such as “God’s cane.” However, these phenomena are mostly close to exaggerated imaginations found in movies and novels. In fact, it is impossible for current technology to produce such phenomena, and artificial reproduction of natural phenomena can have very dangerous and unpredictable consequences.²Regarding plasma state changes and collision effects, plasma refers to the free presence of electrons and cations at high temperatures. In this state, the substance is electrically neutral, but due to the high temperature, the electrons of the atom are dropped, resulting in a mixture of the remaining cations and free electrons ³. ³.¹.¹ [About Plasma] (^4^)² [Gravity(5) – Perspective of Astronomical Gravity and Artificial Gravity, Motion] (^1^) ³[Plasma – Wikipedia] (^7^) Source: Dialogue with Bing, March 18, 2024(1) About Plasma: Naver Blog. plasma, plasma plasma is used in a plurality of semiconductor processes. 1) 1) 1) Plasma etch 2) Dielectric Depo – PE… Gravity(5) – Astronomical and Artificial Gravity, Motion Perspective: Naver Blog. (5) – As mentioned in front of gravity and motion in terms of astral gravity and artificial gravity and motion, acceleration motion requires energy. By the way, this weird time-space acceleration… Plasma – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us Plasma 122 Language Documentation discussion reading editorial history View Tool Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us. Refer to the Plasma documentation for other meanings. This document contains a bibliography, but the source is ambiguous due to insufficient or missing footnotes. Please apply more accurate footnotes to help improve this document. Learn how and when to remove this template message Plasma satisfies Debye sheath in physics and chemistry… Artificial Earthquake – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of all of us. Earthquake – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us Artificial Earthquake 14 Language Documents discussion reading editorial history View Tools Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us. This document concerns earthquakes induced by human man-made activities. Please refer to the induced earthquake document for aftershocks and natural earthquakes in a broad sense. Artificial earthquakes (artificial), induced earthquakes, and induced seismicity occur when humans artificially alter the stresses and deformation forces in the earth’s crust or shake the ground with direct explosions [1] A weak earthquake and fine dust phenomenon are collectively referred to. Occurs as a natural fault phenomenon… Official proof of kinetic and positional energy: Naver Blog. are you, the official proof of kinetic energy and positional energy? She’s an alpha girl! Let’s learn about kinetic energy and positional energy during this time Especially this time… Plasma Technology Introduction: Naver Blog, to Plasma Technology 1. What is Plasma? 1.1. Plasma Definition If you heat the ice, it reaches 0°C and then becomes water, and then you raise the temperature to 100… Investigate the main principles of the generation of “electrical wind in plasma” | Yonhap News Agency. State Changes and Collision Effects – BingBing’s intelligent search capabilities quickly search for and reward information that users 4th Material-State Plasma. 4th Material-State PlasmaThe fourth substance state plasma There are three types of substance states that we often think of: solid, liquid, and gas. However, there are also fourth states that are different from these three general states, which are plasma. Plasma is simply an ionized gas that satisfies the device sheath. Divide shielding is a plasma layer condensed into high-density cations, which has a high positive charge overall and is balanced by negative charges having opposite polarity on the surface of the object in contact. In the plasma state, the nucleus and free electrons fly separately.Plasma-like material in plasma lamp reaches plasma state… Not defined. the ground collides at Mach 10, the shock waves will spread to the surrounding area, but if the shock waves shake the magma room underground or exert physical force on the fault, what is the possibility of activating and exploding active volcanoes such as Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Fuji? What are the possibilities and risks?If it hits the ground at Mach 10 speed, the shock wave can actually spread around and have a strong impact. Theoretically, such shock waves can affect magma chambers and faults underground, which can stimulate activity of active volcanoes and trigger explosions. However, these scenarios are very rare, and with current technology, it is difficult to accurately predict or evaluate these phenomena.In fact, the possibility and risk of an active volcano’s explosion are determined by various factors, which are influenced by various complex factors such as geological conditions, magma room conditions, and regional seismic activity. For example, in the case of Mt. Baekdu, recent observations and analysis show that magma is stable and there is little possibility of a large-scale explosion in the near future.². Experts say Mt. Halla also has no signs of volcanic activity and cannot predict the exact timing or intensity of the explosion.³. Therefore, it is difficult to reach a clear conclusion at this time on the risk that shock waves at Mach 10 speed can activate active volcanoes. However, these possibilities should always be considered, and efforts to minimize risks through geological monitoring and research should continue.Source: Dialogue with Bing, March 18, 2024(1) [Solo]”Baekdusan Volcanic Explosion in 2025?” 마그마 안정돼 가능성 희박 …. ….[Solo] “Is the volcano on Mt. Baekdu going to explode in 2025?” The Korea Meteorological Administration’s first official position of “magma is stable and unlikely” Baekdusan Volcano 2025 is stable and the Korea Meteorological Administration’s first official position of 100 years is expected to explode Mt. Halla called “Active Volcano”… “Is there a possibility that another volcano will explode?” Halla called “Active Volcano”… Is there a possibility that the volcano will explode again? | The Korea Daily said, “Is Halla Mountain a dormant volcano or an active volcano?” The answer is an active volcano. Then, experts believe there is a good possibility that “Is there a possibility that Hallasan Mountain will explode again?” However, the timing of the explosion cannot be accurately predicted, and the intensity of the explosion is not known from the results of the research so far. In addition, experts explain that there are no signs of volcanic activity in Hallasan Mountain until now. For this reason, Not defined. ㅁㅊ[Shared] [Farm] Earthquake – Immediately after tsunami, Sri Lanka coastal earthquake – Immediately after tsunami, Sri Lanka coastal Mt. Halla called “Active Volcano”… “Is there a possibility that another volcano will explode?” Active Volcanic Activation Explosion – BingBing provides users with intelligent search capabilities to quickly search for and reward information they Mt. Halla called “Active Volcano”… “Is there a possibility that another volcano will explode?” Halla called “Active Volcano”… Is there a possibility that the volcano will explode again? | The Korea Daily said, “Is Halla Mountain a dormant volcano or an active volcano?” The answer is an active volcano. Then, experts believe there is a good possibility that “Is there a possibility that Hallasan Mountain will explode again?” However, the timing of the explosion cannot be accurately predicted, and the intensity of the explosion is not known from the results of the research so far. In addition, experts explain that there are no signs of volcanic activity in Hallasan Mountain until now. For this reason, Is there a possibility of an explosion in a dormant volcano? | When you’re curious, oh! there a possibility of an explosion in a dormant volcano?I heard that there are active volcanoes and dormant volcanoes among them, but are there any possibilities that they will explode someday?Or is it called a dormant volcano if there is no possibility of further explosion? Mach 10 fighter plane from the movie “Top Gun: Marvelick”? 실제로 존재하는가 …. man who teaches English: He likes Naver Blog English, foreign languages, (overseas) travel and loves Taiwan, and he wants to be young. If you are interested in learning English or a foreign language and want to know about travel or Taiwan, please visit my [Trend] Mach competition that catches fire… What is the limit? – Science On.[Trend] Mach competition that catches fire… What is the limit?Competition for the development of hypersonic technologies in the U.S. and China is rekindling. The U.S. Department of Defense recently launched a supersonic strike weapon in Alaska, but it reportedly exploded and failed four seconds after takeoff. Recently, China also conducted a test to launch Mach 5 hypersonic aircraft, but it seems to have failed, the Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported. Despite these failures, hypersonic technology development competition is currently very active among the United States and other technological powers. In general, hypersonic speed refers to a speed of Mach 5 to 10 or more. The U.S. has been fighting since 2000… Hypersonic possibility of North Korea’s “Speed Mach 10” ballistic missile…range 700… Korea’s ballistic missile “Speed Mach 10” may have supersonic speed… North Korea, which has a range of more than 700 kilometers, fired another projectile estimated to be a ballistic missile in six days. The speed of the projectile was found to be around Mach 10, which falls under the category of hypersonic missiles. The lightness of hypersonic missiles… Undefined. ?p=128095 です.Provide information on science and technology issues such as domestic and foreign science and technology trends, policies, and culture. Every Friday newsletter is sent to provide information on science and technology issues such as domestic and foreign science and technology trends, policies, and culture. Newsletter Sent Every Friday information on science and technology issues such as domestic and foreign science and technology trends, policies, and culture. Every Friday newsletter is sent to provide information on science and technology issues such as domestic and foreign science and technology trends, policies, and culture. Newsletter Sent Every Friday the armored penetration of anti-tank firearms and the defensive power of tanks…about the armored penetration of anti-tank firearms and the defensive power of tanks…wing stabilization armor (kinetic energy bullets) and molded explosives ( )(2) Arrangement of shell types – Winged Stable Separation Armament (APFSDS): Naver Blog, of shell types – Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS). APFSDS 탄두 … The Dam of Peace – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us. of Peace – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us dam of peace 6 Language Documents discussion reading editorial history View Tool Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us. Peace Dam is a dam located on the Bukhangang River in Dongchon-ri, Hwacheon-eup, Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. After the second completion, the current length is 601m and the height is 125m, with a maximum storage capacity of 2.63 billion tons. Construction started in February 1987 to prevent water attacks and floods following the construction of the Geumgangsan Dam in North Korea, the first construction (80 meters high at that time) was completed in January 1989, and the second stage was completed in October 2005. the various truths about the Geumgangsan Dam and the Peace Dam. : : : 네이버 블로그. various truths about the Geumgangsan Dam and the Peace Dam.A few days ago, when I was having a drink with my father-in-law, the story of the Geumgangsan Dam and the Peace Dam came up, but “The Geumgangsan Dam (Imnam Dam) and… “(5) 1,600 times the Hiroshima atomic bomb… The nuclear potential of the U.S. nuclear retaliation that appeared in the Washington Declaration.,600 times the Hiroshima atomic bomb… U.S. nuclear retaliation nuclear power in Washington Declaration, U.S. nuclear retaliation nuclear power in Hiroshima 1600 times, U.S. nuclear retaliation nuclear power in Washington Declaration, U.S. Ohio-class nuclear retaliation strategic submarine “Tactical nuclear power” Genmu-5 missiles launched for the first time on the 3rd <Political General> is known that the “tactical nuclear power” Hyunmu-5 missile will be launched for the first time on the 3rd of the military – the “monster ballistic missile” Hyunmu-5 currently being developed by the internal and external news communication (internal and external news communication) Roh Joon-young.Amid the growing threat of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, the South Korean military’s three-axis deterrence strategy against North Korea is: [Togo] The military is promoting the development of EMP ammunition to neutralize electronic devices – Science On.[Trend] The EMP (Electronic Pulse) ammunition, which releases powerful electromagnetic waves to promote the development of EMP ammunition to neutralize enemy electronic devices, is being developed by 2014.A military source said on the 7th that EMP ammunition is being developed at the National Defense Science Research Institute (ADD), “We have developed EMP ammunition technology to disable electronic devices within a radius of 100 meters, but we plan to actually develop EMP ammunition to a radius of 1km by 2014.”The EMP bullet is a bomb that creates high-energy electromagnetic pulses and completely neutralizes enemy electronic equipment systems, and the U.S. will open an EMP bullet with a radius of 6.8km by 2010… [Togo] The military is promoting the development of EMP ammunition to neutralize electronic devices – Science On.[Trend] The EMP (Electronic Pulse) ammunition, which releases powerful electromagnetic waves to promote the development of EMP ammunition to neutralize enemy electronic devices, is being developed by 2014.A military source said on the 7th, “The Institute of Defense Science (AD) … “U.S. supplies first depleted uranium bullet to Ukraine within weeks to break through tanks and armored vehicles… reports that the United States will send depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine for the first time in weeks through tanks and armored vehicles | Yonhap News Agency will send depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine after the outbreak of the Ukrainian War. Up to 37 million soon to be released by the U.S. [Video]”One nuclear submarine and 80 nuclear warheads…can be destroyed throughout North Korea”…미 SSBN 위력.[Video] “One nuclear submarine, 80 nuclear warheads…can be destroyed throughout North Korea” – The power of the U.S. SSBN | The U.S.-South Korea summit in Seoul = Yonhap News is drawing attention to the power of the strategic nuclear submarine (SSBN) that the U.S. military announced on the Korean Peninsula. Hanbang… power of an Ohio-class nuclear submarine that I tried directly <Yoo Young-won’s military… power of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine – The U.S. Navy cruise missile nuclear submarine “Ohio” (SSGN 726) was unveiled to domestic and foreign reporters at the Busan Naval Operations Command pier on February 26, 2008. Ohio State Visits the Korean Peninsula… U.S. Strategic Nuclear Submarine: The Terrible Power of Ohio-class… power of Ohio-class nuclear submarine warheads – BingBing’s intelligent search capabilities quickly search for and reward information users U.S. Strategic Nuclear Submarine: The Terrible Power of Ohio-class… Navy’s Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine (SSBN) that U.S. President Joe Biden has decided to deploy 80 nuclear warheads to the Korean Peninsula at any time./ U.S. Navy Twitter U.S. Strategic Nuclear Submarine Expansion on the Korean Peninsula…”One Submarine Throughout North Korea… U.S. and South Korean leaders have agreed to deploy strategic nuclear submarines (SSBNs) to South Korea in order to deter North Korea from nuclear weapons, raising interest in submarines. The U.S. Navy’s Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine can carry up to 80 nuclear warheads, and it is analyzed that it is powerful enough to destroy the entire North with one [Report] Tech-lead type liquefaction damage prediction visualization system and high efficiency study recognizes the need for a domestic liquefaction risk map to accurately predict areas where liquefaction can occur in the wake of the Pohang earthquake, and aims to develop domestic liquefaction risk mapping technology and express liquefaction risk evaluation results.Furthermore, the objective is to develop a liquefaction reinforcement method for the ground and foundation structures in the area where liquefaction is dangerous.The second year’s study established a 250m x 250m resolution liquefaction risk mapping technology, selected the target area, and recommended drilling materials… About soil liquefaction (Organization): Naver Blog, soil liquefaction (reorganization) #liquefaction phenomenon, #liquefaction, #measures, #ground liquefaction, #soil liquefaction, and in this posting, soil liquefaction… [Thesis] GIS Map Implementation Plan for 3D Liquefaction Risk Analysis – Science On.[Paper] A plan to implement GIS Map for analyzing the risk of 3D liquefaction has recently been discovered for the first time in Korea due to the influence of a 5.4-scale earthquake in Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do. If such liquefaction occurs, some of the water and sand will erupt onto the ground to create space, leading to various dangerous situations such as ground subsidence, building collapse, and sinkhole occurrence. Recently, the need to produce a map of liquefaction risk is increasing in Korea to identify liquefaction-enabled areas, which are such risk factors in advance. Therefore, in this study, drilling information built at the DB Center of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to produce a map of liquefaction risk is provided… Deactivate all EMP bullets and electronic equipment. [Military East, West, North and South] ammunition, disable all electronic equipment. 【Military East, West, North, South, South, and South】フィナンシャルFinancial News】■EMP (electromagnetic pulse) bullet development clue: One night in July 1962, the whole area of Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii, will be blacked out for a moment. More than 300 streetlights, alarms, and various electronic devices have failed. One telephone exchange station was completely paralyzed. At that time, the U.S. authorities could not determine the cause at all. Over the next three years, numerous engineers were mobilized… North Korea’s first development of EMP ammunition to neutralize nuclear and missile programs|DailyNK. Korea’s first EMP bullet development | Daily NK News politics/diplomatic North Korea’s first EMP bullet development BY Jeong Jae-sung – 2009.07.07 4:15 p.m. EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) that emits strong electromagnetic waves and neutralizes enemy electronics was first developed by South Korean engineers. A military source said on the 7th, “The National Defense Research Institute (ADD) recently succeeded in testing the performance of EMP bullets, which can neutralize electronic devices and equipment within a radius of 100 meters from the explosion site.” ADDは······ [Air Weapons]Electromagnetic pulse – Bomb. EMP card) : : 네이버 ….[Air weapon] Electromagnetic pulse – Bomb. EMP (Air Weapons)Electromagnetic pulse – Bomb. EMP Battle of Iraq in 2003… Is Genmu-5 really as powerful as tactical nuclear weapons… the Genmu-5 really powerful at the level of tactical nuclear weapons? Below is a post about the “high-powered Genmu ballistic missile” that appeared in the video during the Armed Forces Day event on October Genmu-5 – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. – Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us Genmu-5 Documents discussion reading editorial history View Tool Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of All of Us. The Genmu-5 is a South Korean surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The bunker-buster is classified as SRBM as a high-powered ballistic missile for its mission, but it can be classified as IRBM or MRBM considering its specifications and security conditions with neighboring countries. The final development and testing were completed in 2023, and it was posted on the TEL and released in containers at the Armed Forces Day ceremony in the same year and the city march held in 10 years. South Korea-U.S. missile range guidelines have been lifted, and IRBM or higher development has been completed in two years… Genmu-5 missiles with tactical nuclear missile-class destructive power. Genmu Missile Series of the Genmu-5 Missile Republic of Korea, a tactical nuclear missile-class destructive power, is a huge national-level project that began in the 1970s as part of self-defense efforts. After going through the steps from Hyunmu-1 to Hyunmu-5, the development of Hyunmu-3 was completed and the actual deployment was completed. Genmu 4 and Genmu 5 are under development, of which Genmu 5 is developed as a high-powered ballistic missile that exerts the power of a small tactical nuclear weapon. Contents 1.100 meters deep, monster missile capable of destroying bunkers Genmu-V2. Genmu-5 Reasons for the existence of high-powered missiles 3. Genmu-5 Secrets of high-powered missiles A monster that can destroy a bunker at a depth of 100 meters… North Korea’s announcement of the construction of the Geumgangsan Dam and the construction of the Peace Dam (November 26, 1986): Naver… Korea’s announcement of the construction of the Geumgangsan Dam and the construction of the Peace Dam (1986/11/26) was made in 1986 with public donations to cope with waterworks and natural disasters following North Korea’s construction of the Geumgangsan Dam. North Korea’s Mount Geumgang Dam and South Korea’s Peace Dam: Naver Blog. Korea’s Mount Geumgang Dam, South Korea’s Peace Dam, North Korea’s Mount Geumgang Dam, and South Korea’s Peace Dam built by North Korea in the upper reaches of the Bukhangang River in Gangwon Province… [Desk Column] “Peace Olympics… ” in February when the construction of the “”Dam of Peace”” started[DESK COLUMN]In February, when the construction of the “Dam of Peace” started, the construction of the “Dam of Peace” was sublimated as the “Peace Olympics” – the construction of the “Dam of Peace,” which was stigmatized as the “biggest fraud since Korea’s founding,” began on February 28, 1987. The regime’s cause at that time was against North Korea’s Mount Kumgang dam… Undefined.”North Korea bunker neutralization” monster missile, “North Korea bunker neutralization monster missile,” which was unveiled for the first time at the Armed Forces Day event, will be unveiled for the first time at the World’s Largest Warhead Weight Genmu Missile Screen Undefined. is undefined. Kim Ji-heon of Yonhap News Agency (Seoul = Yonhap News Agency) = The military released a video of a “monster missile,” a strategic weapon against North Korea’s nuclear weapons, on Armed Forces Day. The drum that happened in the morning of this day… North Korea neutralizes 2,000 of its main targets, will it still be able to carry out the war? Could North Korea’s underground bunkers, runways, railways, roads, ports, nuclear facilities, power facilities, telecommunications, and military facilities be “disconnected”? Do they have weapons like CBU concentrated bullets that can instantly neutralize anti-tank armored vehicles and kill lives by dividing them into hundreds or thousands of self-propelled missiles? The power of South Korea’s cluster bomb, which succeeded in achieving 1% unexploded rate, has already developed a multi-launch rocket such as MLRS Hi-Mass and completed its deployment in action? Are these weapons actually capable of preventing war?Isn’t it possible to underestimate North Korea, China, and South Korea because of the possession and necessity of weapons of mass retaliation and retaliation?Defeating important infrastructure targets in military conflicts and war situations can have a significant impact on the country’s ability to carry out war. North Korea’s military capability could be severely weakened if key infrastructure such as underground bunkers, runways, railways, roads, ports, nuclear facilities, power facilities, communications and military facilities and key command and control centers are crippled.¹. These weapons are effective in separating jatans from hundreds to thousands, allowing them to hit a wide range of areas, especially in neutralizing anti-tank armored vehicles.⁸. ⁶⁷, which can be seen as part of a mass retaliation (KMPR) strategy, has developed and deployed multiple rocket systems such as MLRS Hi-Mass.These weapons systems serve as an important element of war deterrence. War deterrence is a strategy that prevents the enemy from launching an attack by possessing the ability to cause serious damage to the enemy. Therefore, mass retaliatory weapons possessed by North Korea, China, South Korea and others are one of the factors that make these countries not to be underestimated.However, the use of these weapons systems must be strictly regulated in accordance with international law and military ethics, and the actual use must be considered very carefully. This is because the more destructive the weapon is, the more responsible and consequential it is for its use. The purpose of war deterrence is to prevent actual war and maintain peace.Source: Dialogue with Bing, March 18, 2024, (1) What is the purpose and actual power of the new “nuclear unmanned underwater attack boat” unveiled by North Korea? – – BBC. is the purpose and actual power of the new nuclear unmanned underwater attack boat unveiled by North Korea?- BBC News Korea announced on the 24th that it conducted a test on the new underwater attack weapon system, Tsunami, from the 21st to the 23rd with Chairman Kim Jong-un’s On the surface, it looks decent, but inside, it’s a fatal wound… The tip of over 40 North Korean tanks at once… high-tech intelligence bomb that penetrates 40 North Korean tanks with one shot is normal, but a high-tech intelligence bomb that penetrates 40 North Korean tanks with one fatal shot Comparison of Tenmu (K239, Ten 橆) vs HIMARS vs M270MLRS. (K-239, Ten橆) vs. HIMARS vs. M270MLRS Comparison Tenmu (K-239, Ten橆) vs. M270MLRS Tenmu (K-239, Ten橆) vs. M270MLRS Tenmu (K-239, Ten橆) M270MLRS Manufacturer (K-239) Hanwha-Korea Locked Martin-USA Launched in 2009 3.6.6m. [Fire-fired rocket] K239 Tenmu Ta Extension Rocket: Naver ポスト.[Fire-fired rocket] K239 Tenmu Multi-barreled Rocket [BY Defense Daily] <K239 Tenmu Multi-barreled Rocket Specification Summary> Kowloon Alternative Development Launched in 2009 / KRW 131.4 billion invested, 2015… Shin Won-sik, “Through FS exercises, North Korea has mastered early nuclear and missile disablement” | Yonhap News Agency, Minister Shin Won-sik visited the Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CP-TANGO) on the 13th, and South Korea-U.S. Combined News reporter Kim Ho-joon = Defense Minister Shin Won-sik conducted the regular Korea-U.S. Combined Training “Freedom…” “Nuclear weapons are the core of the North Korean regime.” What is the possibility of denuclearization? – BBC News Korea.″Nuclear weapons are the core of the North Korean regime” … What is the possibility of denuclearization? – BBC News Korea” Chairman Kim Jong-un put priority on developing and showing weapons that can hit the Kim Jong Un: North Korea talks about “strengthening nuclear war deterrence”… Nuclear tests, long distances… – – BBC. Korea once again mentioned “strengthening its nuclear war deterrence” – BBC News Korea experts generally believe that North Korea did not foretell a nuclear provocation this North Korea’s responsibility to neutralize military agreements…”The Korean Peninsula War is a matter of perspective… Korea, which imposed responsibility to neutralize the military agreement… “The Korean Peninsula War is a matter of perspective,” threatened the possibility of a Korean Peninsula war by imposing responsibility for the neutralization of the September 19 military agreement. The photo was released in the video, National Aeronautics and Space Technology U.S. military also developed a cluster bomb called CBU 107, which is said to be a method of scattering hundreds or thousands of tungsten or iron rods. It is said to be a special bomb designed to prevent explosions at fuel tanks and chemical weapons storage facilities in civilian areas. Development and deployment took only 98 days.The U.S. military developed a BLU-114/B “soft balm” to neutralize power facilities and deployed it in 1999 and dropped F-117 of its operational Allied Forces on Serbia, paralyzing 70% of all power facilities in Serbia.The principle is that a small amount of explosives inside explode and scatter graphite filaments, which stick to transformers or high-voltage wires, causing short circuits and destroying the power network. In particular, the attack capability of the substation is excellent, but due to its characteristics, it is widely contained in the open field and the ultra-high voltage current flows complicatedly in a narrow place, so even if only a few filaments stick together, it is shorted and destroyed in no time.That’s right, the U.S. military developed a special bomb called BLU-114/B “soft balm” that was used to paralyze Serbia’s electricity facilities during Operation Allied Force in 1999. The bomb contains graphite filaments inside and has the principle of scattering these filaments in the event of an explosion, touching transformers and high-voltage wires, causing short circuits in the power grid, which eventually incapacitates the power plant 2 ⁴.In particular, it is said to be very effective in attacking high-voltage current facilities widely installed in open areas such as substations. These weapons can quickly destroy the power grid and have a significant impact on military and civilian goals.SOURCE: Dialogue with Bing, March 18, 2024, (1) Cluster bomb (collector), cluster bomb, incendiary bomb – adipom. Cluster bomb FOCUSING BULLET – CLUSTER BOMB – INCINERATIVE SHConcentrated ammunition, diffuse ammunition, incendiary ammunition, and diffuse ammunition are typical inhumane weapons aimed at killing and injuring many people on a wide terrain. Because of this nature, it is also called a mother-child bomb. When a large hat bomb dropped from an aircraft approaches the target point, the mother bomb explodes in the air above the target point by a time-limiting device, and hundreds of small-sized bombs overflow from it, causing fatal injuries to people within a 25-meter radius. Forty percent of the small bombs remained unexploded, but they exploded like anti-personnel mines, causing great damage to civilians. Like this… Graphite bomb – Wikipedia. Https:// Bomb – Watch Wikipedia 18 Language Articles on Graphite Bomb The free encyclopedia Graphite bomb in Wikipedia is a non-lethal weapon used to disable the power grid. The bomb works by spreading a dense cloud of extremely fine and chemically treated carbon filaments. (3) 미정.[공유] [펌] 지진-쓰나미 직후 스리랑카 해안 지진-스리랑카 해안 F-117 및 “동맹군” 작전(스텔스 폭격기 발칸 원정 1부..과 ‘동맹군’ 작전(스텔스 폭격기 발칸 원정대 1부) 하… 슬럼프가 좀 길어졌으니 ‘해군 물개-스파르타’ 팀 참사는 조금 미루고 일단…과 ‘동맹군’ 작전(스텔스 폭격기 발칸 원정대 1부) 하… 슬럼프가 좀 길어졌으니 ‘해군 물개-스파르타’ 팀 참사는 조금 미루고 일단…