a unique watch design character Watch QLOCKTWO

I was looking at the Red Dot Awards website감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.Red Dot Design Award: QLOCKTWO 180 Creator Edition Silver & Gold This website uses cookies to personalize content and advertising, provide social media capabilities, and analyze website access. We also provide social partners with information about their use of your website.www.red-dot.orgI found a watch with a unique concept. It’s a clock called Clockto.It’s a design with a square lined with letters. At first glance, it seems to be a meaningless list of alphabets, but they make sentences by revealing words one by one.Since it was developed in Germany, the introduction is in basic German, but it supports a variety of languages that use the alphabet. In addition, there are Chinese and Japanese versions, but unfortunately there is no Korean version yet.Instead of showing simple words, we express time in the form of colloquial sentences.It is half past sevenEs ist halb acht. 7시 30분 입니다. The large-sized clock to 180 frames clock to classic tabletop clock to touch wristwatch to showcase various shapes.It is half past sevenEs ist halb acht. 7시 30분 입니다. The large-sized clock to 180 frames clock to classic tabletop clock to touch wristwatch to showcase various shapes.It is half past sevenEs ist halb acht. 7시 30분 입니다. The large-sized clock to 180 frames clock to classic tabletop clock to touch wristwatch to showcase various shapes.It is ten to three. It’s 2:50. Instead of making letters in minutes, we make letters in five minutes. It is five past ten. 10:05 It is quarter to eleven. Instead of 10:55, the unit of minutes is expressed as a point at each corner. If you read the time of the picture below (the four dots below in the watch), it says 7:15 in the text, but the three corners are lit, so it’s actually 7:18.You can view the exact minutes/unit time without interrupting the design. The Qlocktwo180 product, which won the Red Dot Award, is 180cm wide and 180cm long, giving the impression of an object.On the other hand, it is an analogous and kind watch. Clockto Official Store: https://storede.qlocktwo.com/us/qlocktwo-wFun company. Spend time with words on your wrist.Surprisingly, our QLOCK TWO W series won the 2019 IF Design Award. The IF Design Award is one of the most important design awards in the world.Designers and manufacturers are making every effort to achieve internationally renowned design status.qlocktwo.comA classic 45cm wide product costs about $3,000 and a watch costs around $1000.The price of the Clockto 180 is not listed on the official website, and it depends on the material, but it is searched for around $40,000.I looked it up just in case, and found a similar product in the tank top that borrowed the concept of Qlocktwo and was made under the name word clock. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&toolid=11800&pub=5575227568&campid=5337962035&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp2380057.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xword%2Bclock.TRS0%26_nkw%3Dword%2Bclock%26_sacat%3D0word clock | eBay All Listings Accepts Offs Offers Accepts Offs Auction Best Match 5,846のワードクロックの結果 Save this search price below $30.00 – Apply Price filter $30.00 – $50.00 – Price filter Category Audio/MIDI Interfaces – Apply Category Filter Wall Clocks – apply… rover.ebay.comword clock | eBay All Listings Accepts Offs Offers Accepts Offs Auction Best Match 5,846のワードクロックの結果 Save this search price below $30.00 – Apply Price filter $30.00 – $50.00 – Price filter Category Audio/MIDI Interfaces – Apply Category Filter Wall Clocks – apply… rover.ebay.comword clock | eBay All Listings Accepts Offs Offers Accepts Offs Auction Best Match 5,846のワードクロックの結果 Save this search price below $30.00 – Apply Price filter $30.00 – $50.00 – Price filter Category Audio/MIDI Interfaces – Apply Category Filter Wall Clocks – apply… rover.ebay.com